Eero Website

Led design strategy and visual design of new features and technology pages on Additionally assisted in UX strategy recommendations for overall navigation and cart upsell features.

ROLE: Brand and content strategy, visual design, information architecture, and user interface enhancements.

Created for eero


\\ Educational tecnology pages

Improved overall technology education for the consumer in the creation of the how it works section on the site. Two pages were created; one to showcase the overall user experience (, and one to highlight key technology features of new eero devices ( Modules for the pages were created using an existing design system and new modules with visual interactive tabs were also developed.


\\ Cart upsell

Provided the client eero with recommendations to upsell products and possible add-on subscriptions right from the cart. Design and development was implemented so the client was able to add the upsell options on the back end in the future.


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